I was invited to the Cloud Village in Defcon to give the talk “How to do Cloud Security assessments like a pro in only #4Steps”

It was amazing, hopefully I will do it also next year, in case you were not there please find below the abstract and slides:

“Cloud security is evolving rapidly and can be challenging. The growing need for remote working over the last year enhances this development. How can companies keep up with the pace of change? How do you know you are secure? Are the default installations secure? How do you find and fix your Cloud misconfigurations? How do you even start doing a Cloud assessment? Is it like an on-premise one?
At the end of the conversation you will have a detailed guide with tools and examples of how can you hack/secure a cloud environment in only #4Steps.
Ricardo is a senior security specialist with business development and consultant background and over 10 years of experience. He exceeds in translating business needs into technical needs, and vice versa. He is currently the Lead of the Cloud Business Unit of one of the most important Cyber Security companies of the Netherlands. On top of that, he wrote two books with international distribution, has two patent applications as main inventor.

Please find below the slides:
